Wild Flowers
If you have seen a species in the area that is not on the list please contact me so I can add it. Please be aware that if the species you saw is unusual or out of range I will need a photo as verification before I can add it to the list. Email: tyrone.mckendry@gmail.com
GEKCO Wild Flower List (134 species) | ||
# | Scientific Name | Common Name |
1 | Acalypha peduncularis | |
2 | Acalytha caperoninodes | |
3 | Achyranthes aspera* | Chaff Flower |
4 | Afrosciadium magalismontanum | |
5 | Aloe arborescens | Krantz Aloe |
6 | Aloe greatheadii var. davyana | Aloe |
7 | Aloe marlothii | Mountain Aloe |
8 | Aloe transvaalensis | |
9 | Aloe wickensii | |
10 | Ancylobotrys capensis | Wild apricot/ Rock milk-apricot |
11 | Anthericum spp. | |
12 | Araujia sericifera | Moth Catcher |
13 | Asciepias fruticosa | Milkweed |
14 | Becium obovatum | |
15 | Berkheya radula | |
16 | Bidens bipinnata | Spanish Black jack |
17 | Bidens pilosa * | |
18 | Bulbine capitata | |
19 | Campuloclinium macrocephalum* | |
20 | Catha edulis | Bushmans Tea |
21 | Cereus jamacaru* | Queen of the night cactus |
22 | Cheilanthes virides | |
23 | Clematis brachiata | Travelers Joy |
24 | Conyza albida* | |
25 | Conyza bonariensis* | |
26 | Conyza floribunda | |
27 | Conyza podocephala | |
28 | Crabbea angustifolia | |
29 | Crassula arborea | |
30 | Crassula capitella subsp. Capitella | |
31 | Cyanotis speciosa | |
32 | Cyperus congestus* | |
33 | Cyperus obtusiflorus var flavissimus | |
34 | Datura stramonium | Thorn Apple |
35 | Delosperma herbeum | |
36 | Dianthus mooiensis subsp. Kirkii | |
37 | Dicoma zeyheri | |
38 | Dimorphotheca spectabilis | |
39 | Drimia multisetosa | |
40 | Elephantorrhiza elephantina | Elephants root |
41 | Erythrina zeyheri | |
42 | Felicia muricata | |
43 | Gazania krebsiana | |
44 | Gnidia capitata | Kerrie Blom |
45 | Graderia subintegra | |
46 | Haplocarpha scaposa | |
47 | Helichrysum aureonitens | Golden everlasting |
48 | Helichrysum cephaloideum | |
49 | Helichrysum depressa | |
50 | Helichrysum nudifolium | Hotentots tea |
51 | Helichrysum setosum | Yellow everlasting |
52 | Helichrysum spp. | |
53 | Heliotropium amplexicaule | |
54 | Hemizygia canescens | |
55 | Hermannia lancifolia | |
56 | Hypoxis hemerocallidea | |
57 | Hypoxis iridifolia | |
58 | Hypoxis rigidula | |
59 | Hypoxis rooperi | |
60 | Indigofera comosa | |
61 | Indigofera zeyheri | Leeuhout |
62 | Ipomoea crassipes | |
63 | Jamesbrittenia aurantiaca | |
64 | Justicia anagolloides | |
65 | Kalanchoe rotundifolia | |
66 | Kalanchoe thyrsiflora | |
67 | Kalanchoe tubiflora | |
68 | Kohautia amatymbica | |
69 | Kohautia cynanchica | |
70 | Lactuca sp.* | |
71 | Ledebouria cooperi | Cooper’S Squill |
72 | Ledebouria marginata | |
73 | Ledebouria ovatifolia | |
74 | Leonotis leonurus | |
75 | Leonotis microphylla | Wild dagga |
76 | Lotonis cf. foliosa | |
77 | Merremia tridentata | |
78 | Nemesia fruticans | |
79 | Nidorella hottentotica | |
80 | Ocimum obovatum | |
81 | Oenothera rosea | |
82 | Oldenlandia herbacea | Oldenlandia |
83 | Opuntia spp* | |
84 | Pelargonium luridum | |
85 | Pellaea calomelanos | |
86 | Pentanisia angustifolia | |
87 | Pentarrhinium insipidum | |
88 | Personia sessillfolia | |
89 | Peucedanum magalismontanum | |
90 | Plantago lanceolata* | Narrow-leaved Plantain |
91 | Pollichia campestris | |
92 | Polygala hottentotta | |
93 | Protasparagus laricinus | Wild asparagus |
94 | Protasparagus suaveolens | Wild asparagus |
95 | Pseudognaphaleum luteo-album | |
96 | Pseudognaphalium oligandrum | |
97 | Pygmaeothamnus zeyheri | |
98 | Sanseveria trifasciata | Mother-in-law’s tongue |
99 | Scabiosa columbaria | |
100 | Scadoxus puniceus | Red paintbrush |
101 | Schistostephium heptalobum | |
102 | Scilla nervosa | |
103 | Selaginella dregei | |
104 | Senecio affinis | |
105 | Senecio coronatus | |
106 | Senecio inomatus | |
107 | Senecio oxynifolius | |
108 | Senecio venosus | |
109 | Sida alba | |
110 | Solanum seaforthianum | |
111 | Sphedamnocarpus galphimifolius | |
112 | Sphenostylis angusifolius | |
113 | Stapelia gigantea | Giants carrion flower |
114 | Tagetes minuta * | |
115 | Tapinanthus oleifolius | Lighting Matches |
116 | Teucrium trifidum | |
117 | Trifolium repens* | |
118 | Tritonia nelsonii | Orange and pink varieties |
119 | Triumfetta sonderri | |
120 | Tulbaghia leucantha | |
121 | Turbina oblongata | |
122 | Ursinia nana | |
123 | Verbena bonariensis | |
124 | Verbena natalensis | |
125 | Verbena oligocephala | |
126 | Verbena staehelinoides | |
127 | Verbena sutherlandi | |
128 | Verbena tenuisecta | |
129 | Vernonia oligocephala | |
130 | Vicia sativa* | |
131 | Viscum rotundifolium | Red-berry Mistletoe |
132 | Wahlenbergia caledonica | |
133 | Xerophyta retinervis | Monkey’s tail |
134 | Zinnia peruviana |