29 October 2013

The Power of Power – which comes first,
investment in power capacity or economic growth?



Specialists in finance and economics tend to think that an economic system can grow exponentially, ignoring the laws and constraints of physical systems. Politicians see the idea of economic growth as a panacea to social issues and poverty. Economic growth thus becomes the focus of global collective effort with energy systems provision following on as a consequence of this growth.The presentation will argue that this is the wrong way around, that in order to solve social, political and ecological problems, we need first to think about and address energy provision and in particular the power capacity of the energy delivery system. In other words, if we build sustainable power capacity first, then human ingenuity will find a way to harness that energy for the collective benefit. 


Presented byDudley Baylis
Bridge Capital Refco (Pty) Ltd


Dudley’s role at Bridge Capital is to find innovative ways to think about and finance energy infrastructure implementation. He is a community minded social entrepreneur and activist and has a personal commitment to find ways to catalyze investment in clean energy power capacity. In the last 30 years, he has been a derivatives and commodities trader, miner, project manager, builder, farmer, engineer, property developer, quantity surveyor, project financier and business systems analyst. Since 2003 he has been dedicated to the problem of climate change and the role that energy systems can play in alleviating or mitigating its effects and he believes that finance is the core issue that needs to be resolved.



SANEA invites you to join us – Register now!



Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2013
Time: 17h30 for 18h00
Join us for refreshments and networking before the lecture begins
Venue: Sasol Auditorium
1 Sturdee Avenue, Rosebank
(please click here for a map and directions)
Parking: The parking entrance is in Baker Street
Cost: Free of charge
Register / RSVP: Please click here for the online form to register.
Registration to be done by Friday, 25 October 2013 for catering purposes
More info: Please e-mail or call Virosha at the SANEA Secretariat:
E-mail: sanea@turnergroup.co.za / Tel: (031) 368-8000
Cancellation: If you are unable to attend, please cancel your booking by sending an e-mail to:
SANEA reserves a seat and caters exclusively for you! A cancellation fee of R150-00 per person may be charged if you don’t arrive.



Please note that the opinions expressed by our presenters are done so in their personal capacity and may not necessarily represent the views of either SANEA or their companies.
Media Enquiries:
Please contact Sarita Cronjé on 083-325-6716 or saritac@mweb.co.za


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Tel: 031 368 8000
Fax: 031 368 6623
E-mail: sanea@turnergroup.co.za
Website: www.sanea.org.za