

Reptiles are very important to any healthy ecosystem for many reasons. Snakes are essential to keeping down rodent and frog populations and therefore maintaining a balanced ecosystem. Many

Red-lipped Herald Snake (Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia)- Tyrone Mckendry

Red-lipped Herald Snake (Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia)- Tyrone Mckendry

people fear snakes and so they are often killed on sight. This is very sad as most of the snakes found in South Africa are harmless, and many of the venomous ones will cause very little harm (usually a headache or slight swelling) to humans, dogs or cats. With some very basic education it is easy to differentiate between the harmless and the more venomous snakes and so killing these important species can be avoided.

GEKCO Reptile List (Word) GEKCO Reptile List (Excel)

If you have seen a species in the area that is not on the list, please contact me so I can add it. Please be aware that if the species you saw is unusual or out of range I will need a photo as verification before I can add it to the list. Email: