Nodal Review 2020
Nodal Review 2020 – how does it affect us in the Kyalami area?
Reducing Urban Sprawl
The Joburg Nodal Review is a new development policy adopted by council on 27 February 2020.
This replaces the RSDF as Joburg’s City-wide development policy.
It aims to concentrate development around existing urban nodes to limit urban sprawl and the cost of infrastructure.
If you’re OUTSIDE the Urban Boundary
The policy for outside the Urban Development Boundary (Kyalami AH, Beaulieu, Glenferness, Saddlebrook, Sun Valley, etc) is described in the table below – taken from page 35 of the policy document which can be downloaded on this link. (click on Nodal Review 2019)
8% coverage is allowed (after excluding the environmentally sensitive areas) and parking areas must be permeable paving.
Links to maps to find your property
Maps indicating the development potential of all properties across the City can also be found on the link, or by clicking here. The maps advise densities that can be supported and environmental sensitivities.
If you’re INSIDE the Urban Boundary
Inside the Urban Boundary, infill development is promoted at the densities indicated on the maps.
No different if you’re on a busy road
Being on a busy road or corridor will no longer be reason enough to develop your property more than the area allows. Further public participation and discussion is recommended where larger developments are concerned. This is to negotiate site layout, design and amenities.
Two nodes in Kyalami – Riversands and Kyalami Corner
Below is an extract from the maps showing the two nodes in our area. It is worth noting that some densities in Crowthorne and Blue Hills have been reduced. A buffer area of lower density (5 – 10 units / hectare) is indicated between the Riversands and Diepsloot nodes and the urban boundary.
(However, Riversands applications already approved and under consideration are 12 – 24 times this! 120 units/ha, 4 storeys high, right next to agricultural land. And with no tapering of the skyline)
120 Units / hectare – Riversands – approved under old policy :
Example of 10 units / hectare – maximum allowed under new policy:
Lower on the edges of the urban node
Properties that abut the urban nodal boundary are not to exceed 2 storeys above the maximum height allowed in the neighbouring area that is not an urban node.
Wetlands and biodiversity easier to identify
Environmental sensitivities including wetlands, ridges and biodiversity areas are indicated on the maps. It is now easier for a property owner or speculator to identify sensitivities before developing.
For more information – please download the policy here
Policy outside the Urban Boundary:
Extract from maps indicating Riversands Node:
Kyalami Corner node and Crowthorne:
Crowthorne is now 5 – 10 units per h.a. and 15 – 20 units.
Please read through the policy document for further information:
Summary provided by GEKCO