Kyalami aims for a united front- 20 August 2013

EXPLAIN: The Greater Kyalami Conservancy’s Darryl van Niekerk presents the initial information on uniting Kyalami under one residents association.
KYALAMI – The saying goes, ‘Together we stand, divided we fall,’ and it is this concept that the Greater Kyalami Conservancy is focusing on.
The conservancy wants to appear as a united force to the City of Johannesburg when discussing encroaching development, municipal rates, crime and environmental issues in the area. The committee members believe that forming a Greater Kyalami Conservancy Residents Association will create this united front.
The conservancy held a public meeting at the Beaulieu College Pavilion to inform residents of their plans. This was an initial meeting to determine the community’s views on a united residents association and more information would follow.
Committee member Darryl van Niekerk said, “The City of Joburg sees Kyalami as a disparate group. We are not as effective when we act separately so we want to create a contiguous landmass with a single residents association, with the same objectives and ideals,” said van Niekerk.