GEKCO submission to GEMF

The Draft Gauteng Environmental Management Framework has been released for comment and can be downloaded here:


The GEMF is being compiled to understand the current status quo and desired state of the environment in Gauteng and will overwrite the existing Regional EMFs in place throughout the province.   GEKCO has submitted comments in the earlier stages of the process which can be downloaded on the links below.   Please submit any comments or input on the Draft GEMF to on or before 30 September 2014.

GEKCO input to GEMF

Annexure A: Conservancies-Med-constraint-zone
Annexure B: REMF-2009-Alternatives-to-PWV-roads
Annexure C: Hedgehog-29-09-2012
Annexure D: Blue-Hill-X74_Grass-Owl-Sensitivity-Survey_updated
Annexure E: Ecol-Assess-Herpetofauna
Annexure F: Questions-to-parliament-on-Northern-Works
Annexure G: Karen-Bohme-letter-2012