Frogs are very important to a healthy ecosystem for many reasons. Tadpoles keep waterways clean by feeding on algae. Adult frogs eat large quantities of insects, including disease vectors that can transmit fatal illnesses to humans (i.e. mosquitoes/malaria). Frogs also serve as an important food source to a diverse array of predators, including dragonflies, fish, snakes, birds, beetles, centipedes and even monkeys. Thus, the disappearance of frog populations disturbs an intricate food web, and results in negative impacts that cascade through the ecosystem.

The Giant Bullfrog (Pyxicephalus adspersus) is a red data species that is seen regularly in the GEKCO conservancy after sufficient summer rains- Photo by Tyrone Mckendry
“Frogs are bio-indicators. Most frogs require suitable habitat in both the terrestrial and aquatic environments, and have permeable skin that can easily absorb toxic chemicals. These traits make frogs especially susceptible to environmental disturbances, and thus frogs are considered accurate indicators of environmental stress: the health of frogs is thought to be indicative of the health of the biosphere as a whole. Frogs have survived in more or less their current form for 250 million years, having survived countless ice ages, asteroid crashes, and other environmental disturbances, yet now one-third of amphibian species are on the verge of extinction. This should serve as an alarm call to humans that something is drastically wrong in the environment.”— Save the Frogs!
“When we save the frogs, we’re protecting all our wildlife, all our ecosystems, and all humans.” — Dr. Kerry Kriger, Founder & Executive Director of Save the Frogs!
GEKCO Amphibian List (Word) GEKCO Amphibians List (Excel)
If you have seen a species in the area that is not on the list please contact me so I can add it. Please be aware that if the species you saw is unusual or out of range I will need a photo as verification before I can add it to the list. Email: