Questions asked on the PWV5 & 9

Please see the Gauteng Dept of Roads and Transport’s response to questions in red and the attached map indicating the Strategic Road Network as planned for Gauteng. The department says for now this network is seemed necessary for the economic development of Gauteng and to cater for public transport needs. This forms part of Gauteng Integrated Transport Master Plan for the next 25 Years (ITMP25) The full report is available.

For 2037:










Strategic Road Network as planned and protected.:








Questions asked by a local resident:

The Joburg Council, as part of their RSDF plans, asked for input from property owners as to our view on future developments in the area and we would like to contribute. The above roads would have a major impact and without knowing the future plans for them we cannot make meaningful suggestions. A town planner has been appointed to assist.


We would appreciate if you could advise us as to

  1. As things stand at the moment are the above roads still part of the future roads plan for Gauteng specifically the sections through Kyalami?  – yes
  2. Are the intended routes still as shown on the Joburg Council plans/K56 EIA plans [ie PWV9 approx from the K56 intersection near Leeuwkop prison running north to Summit Road and the PWV 5 east west just south of Summit Road? – I am not familiar with the CoJ plans but no amendments in the routes have should been made in the last years. The land has already been acquired for some sections of PWV 9. Eg at PWV9 and K56
  3. Is there an estimated implementation date/ not before 200x date?  – PWV9 and PWV5  was seen as high priorities for phase 2 of the GFIP , this has been confirmed in the ITMP25 planning. E-tolling is merely a mechanism to fund these projects. Other options are still available. Practically once funding has been allocated it may still be 2 yrs or more to start construction ( due to land acquisition, designs, EIA etc). There is no funding for these project in the current budget, but could be made available next year. I hope this provides an answer.