Dear Jitske and Gwen,
I would like to submit initial comments on behalf of the Greater Kyalami Conservancy on the proposed Inanda Gate development.
The information presented in the BID document and public meeting is vague and the permissions being requested are not clear or detailed. Please provide the following information which was not available to the I&APs:
- Layout showing proposed clubhouse position
- Detailed layout showing 100y floodline, edge of riparian zone and position of Polo fields
- Layout showing access to the fields, parking areas and associated infrastructure
- Engineer services report
- Detailed motivation for why sewage is currently being applied for
- Timeline for project, specialist studies to be done, timeline for those studies
Please note the following :
This area is outside the Urban Development Boundary and as such the installation of services is not supported.
The position of the polo fields is in a wetland which also functions as an important biodiversity corridor.
A noise impact study must be conducted as this is in a quiet, rural area.
Visual impact study must be conducted as private properties and Saddlebrook Estate will look onto this.
A qualified ornithologist must be employed to investigate the possible presence of the African Grass Owls which have been reported by residents on this property.
A amphibian study must be conducted to investigate the impact on the African Bullfrogs resident on this and adjacent properties.
This application does not show a full picture of what is being proposed. The polo fields only cover 1,8 h.a. of the 67 h.a. development. A detailed layout of the entire development must be produced with a full EIA to determine the full extent of impacts. This is also required by the Environmental Management Framework for the area as the site is in a conservancy. Further impacts of surrounding developments on the wetlands and biodiversity of the conservancy must also be taken into account to give a true picture of environmental impacts.
We reserve the right to submit further comments as information becomes available. Please send the presentation that was given at the meeting for distribution as many residents were unable to attend over the holidays. I would like to request that you extend the registration period until the 2nd of May to allow those who are away to register. I understand we have 30 days to submit our comments, please can this be confirmed.
Kind regards
Kristin Kallesen
Greater Kyalami Conservancy