Eskom – Kyalami Strengthening

Eskom – Kyalami Strengthening

The environmental authorisation for three 400kV overhead transmission power lines along Zinna road through Leeukop to the Lulamisa substation has been granted.  The route is approximately 13km in length.  You may download the authorisation letter below  Gauteng (DEA reference: 14/12/16/3/3/1/1188)

Environmental authorisation letter

Final BAR September 2014

Appeals to or representations in respect of the authorisation must be lodged in writing to: Mr Z Hassam, Director: Appeals and Legal Review, Department of Environmental Affairs, Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001 or Environmental House, 437 Steve Biko, Arcadia, Pretoria. Queries can be directed at Mr Hassam via telephone number 012-3999356 or email, by 02 February.


A Draft Basic Assessment Report has been completed for the Eskom Kyalami Midrand Strengthening Project.

Kyalami BAR Draft 27 June 2014
Background:  The Project aims to strengthen the network capacity as well as to improve the quality of electricity supply within the Johannesburg North area.  This project has been registered with the National Department of Environmental Affairs and interim Reference Number DEA 14/12/16/3/3/2/659 was allocated.  Please note that subsequent to the newspaper advert and site notices placed on 25 February 2014, the Department of Environmental Affairs allocated reference number DEA 14/12/16/3/3/1/1188 to the project, due to granting permission to downgrade Application to a Basic Assessment Reporting Process.

Kyalami Google

Map of Kyalami from Google Maps – click to enlarge

Kyalami Strengthening Locality

Kyalami Strengthening Locality – click to enlarge






The Draft Basic Assessment Report will also be available for public review and comment from Tuesday, 08th July 2014 to Friday, 08th August 2014 at the following local venues:

Halfway House Public LibraryMomentum Business Park Building 1, Units 1 & 2, Midrand Monday to Friday09h00 to 16h00 Molefi Ingwane011 805 3547
Rivonia LibraryCnr. Rivonia Boulevard & 10th Ave, Rivonia Monday to Friday09h00 to 16h00 Asnath Modise011 803 5422/1227

A Public meeting to discuss the Draft Basic Assessment Report for the project has been scheduled as follows:

Ebenezer Christian Fellowship107 MacGillivray Road, Glenferness Wednesday16 July 2014 18h00

Interested and affected parties who wish to participate, should please send comments in writing to the Public Participation Office, Envirolution Consulting (Pty) Ltd,  Tel: 0861 444 499,  Fax: 0861 626 222 or Email:

Contact details of Consultant:

Tel:  0861 44 44 99