Crowthorne/Kyalami Sewerage Line

Crowthorne/Kyalami Sewerage Line

If you would like to add your name to the objection please fill in the form below.


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We need your assistance!

There is a sewage line proposed through Beaulieu, Kyalami AH and Glenferness for a proposed shopping centre on the corner of the R55 and Main road.  This was vehemently opposed when Retail Africa made the application in 2008 as most residents felt this would destroy the rural, equestrian nature of the area and set a precedent for commercial development in what is currently an agricultural area.

One of the obstacles to the shopping centre is the lack of sewage infrastructure in the area.  Council gave the centre approval on the basis that it would install, at the developer’s cost, a sewage line through Beaulieu, Kyalami AH and Glenferness to feed into the Northern Sewage works.  More developments have asked to tap into this line, including the proposed Whisken development and others in the areas of Crowthorne, Kyalami and Glenferness.
The map below shows the route as well 10 connection points in Kyalami, Beaulieu and Glenferness.  The area shaded in beige is labelled ‘Future development zone’.  Higher densities (more than 2 units per h.a.) would be supported and developers have already been scouting out the Glenferness and Kyalami area for townhouse development on the back of this sewage line.  (Minor adjustments have been made to the alignment since this map was published to align to road reserves; however this will not alter the downstream development effect).

This map below shows the proposed sewer outfall and proposed connections.Proposed Kyalami Ridge Bulk Sewer Line

Residents in the area have been opposed to these developments and have been objecting for many years.  Now is our chance to put a stop to these applications as densification of the area would not be supported without a sewage line.  A legal application has been lodged to review the decision allowing the sewage line by the attorney instrumental in fighting the proposed development on Leeukop Prison grounds which was successful in favour of the Kyalami residents.

Grounds for the legal case:
1.  Development resulting from the installation of a sewage line outside the Urban Edge has not been considered
2.  No consideration of potential impact to equestrian area and businesses
3.  Specialist studies were done on a storm water pipe, not a sewage line
4.  Endangered species identified by residents in the area were not acknowledged (Grass owls have been confirmed in the vicinity and the Endangered Wildlife trust is studying this)
5.  Negative impact on wetlands from pollution and future development
6.  The Environmental Management Framework for the area was not considered

We have raised R120,000 to date, please help us reach R200,000! 

The Kyalami Ridge Residents Forum set up a bank account in 2008 for legal costs for the Retail Africa (now Abland) shopping centre and have offered to collect the funds.  Any deposits made that are not used will returned in proportion to the donations given, so please send your name and payment reference to

We will send regular updates on fund raising so you will know where we stand.  If you cannot pay immediately, please consider making a pledge to be paid in the next few months.. together we can do this!!!.  (All contributions, no matter the amount are welcome!)

Banking details: Kyalami Ridge Residents Forum, Standard Bank Sandton Branch code 019205, Account Number 220706433.
Please download (right-click, save as) and fill in the Sewer Line Pledge Document if you are able to make a contribution or would prefer to pledge future amount.

Please send proof of payment to


October 8, 2014

Sewage line decision upheld
GEKCO received notice that the sewage line approval has been upheld.  You may view the decision here.

Kyalami Ridge Extension 4.pdf

Please note, full approval has not yet been granted as a Water Use License is also required.

Kyalami / Crowthorne Sewage line – Application for Water Use License

Kyalami Sewer – BID doc WULA.pdf

If you would like to submit comments to this application please register as
an Interested Party and submit comments to Leap Environmental: or



GEKCO has submitted an appeal on the decision to grant approval for the sewage line to serve the proposed Shopping centre and business node at the corner of the R55 and Main road.  The grounds for the appeal are as follows:

1.      Specialist studies were done on a storm water drain, impacts of sewage line were not considered

2.      Sewage line will bring high density development into the Kyalami Ridge / Kyalami / Glenferness area which is not in keeping with conservation objectives

3.      Negative effect on Kyalami and Glenferness residents who wish to remain rural / residential

4.      Endangered species such as Hedgehog not identified – GEKCO submitted proof of their presence

5.      Impact on wetlands and waterways

6.      Concern over long term maintenance of infrastructure

7.      Other areas need this infrastructure far more than Kyalami

8.      Capacity of Northern Sewage Works

9.      Decision was not in line with gazetted Environmental Management Framework for the area which protects conservancies and the Beaulieu Bird Sanctuary

You may download the appeal and annexures here:



Crowthorne / Kyalami Sewerage Line – The approval of the Retail Africa development is dependent on the sewage line which underwent an EIA process in 2013.

The Draft Basic Assessment in respect of the Crowthorne Bulk Outfall Sewer is available for review and comment until the 22nd of January 2014.

The Draft Basic Assessment has been placed in a Dropbox folder; please contact and you will be sent a link to access the folder.

Kindly note that a hard copy of the document, without the comments is available to view at the Kyalalami Country Club.  The comments will be available on the Dropbox, but due to the voluminous nature of the comments it will not be attached to the Hard copy of the Draft Basic Assessment at the Kyalami Country Club.

The Kyalami Country Club’s details are as follows:

Address:  Maple Road, Midrand, 1684

Tel:  (010) 594 0034

It is requested to submit comments to LEAP environmental consultants in writing via fax (086 606 6130) or e-mail ( or on or before the 22nd of January 2014.

Click on the links below to download the files.