
Kristin Kallesen is an activist at heart, a landscape designer by trade and is passionate about finding green solutions that address issues such as climate change and the pressures of population growth. Having taken courses from atmospheric science to nature conservation, she draws from a broad background and interest in the environmental challenges of our time. She believes the answer lies in cooperation and concerted community effort; that neighbourhoods can begin to address these problems when they work together towards a common goal of sustainability.
Dudley Baylis is a community minded social entrepreneur and activist and has a personal commitment to find ways to catalyze investment in clean energy power capacity. In the last 30 years, he has been a derivatives and commodities trader, miner, project manager, builder, farmer, engineer, property developer, quantity surveyor, project financier and business systems analyst. Since 2003 he has been dedicated to the problem of climate change and the role that energy systems can play in alleviating or mitigating its effects and he believes that finance is the core issue that needs to be resolved.
Tyrone Mckendry is a passionate environmentalist who is dedicated to saving the environment. He is currently running two biodiversity projects in the GEKCO conservancy and the results from these studies will serve to raise awareness in the community and provide motivation for the conservation of the unique ecology of GEKCO.